Hussain Abdulkarim

NAME OF STAFF: Hussain Abdulkarim

DESIGNATION: Academic Staff

RANK: Chief Lecturer

GSM NO: 08036080810





Hussain, A. (2002) Nazari a kan sana’ar kiwo da muhimmancinta a kasar Hausa, in journal of languages arts and social science, 145-150

Hussain, A. (2003). Saya Magana a harshen Hausa in journal of method, language and literature 1(3) 225-236

Hussain, A. (2006). Makadan Hausa da kayayyakin kidan Hausawa na gargajiya in journal of languages, arts and social science 4. 101-108

Hussain, A. (2007) the role of instructional materials in the effective teaching and learning of Hausa as a second language in journal of religion, education, languages and general studies 1(1) 92-97

Hussain, A. (2008) Emerging issues in the study of indigenous languages in the 21st century in knowledge review 17(3) 91-94

Hussain, A. (2008). Teaching mother tongue and national development under the reform policy, in huda-huda journal of languages 1 (1) 129-135

Hussain, A. (2009) the global economic meltdown and its implication on language education in Nigeria. Nigeria journal of educational development studies. 1 (1) 96-103

Hussain, A. (2009).  Hausa oral literature its role towards the sustenance of a cosmopolitan society, zaria journal of linguistics and literary studies. 3(1) 144-156.

Hussain, A. (2010) Aron kalmomi a harshen Hausa, zuba journal of Hausa studies 1 (1) 1-9

Hussain, A (2012) Yanayin sadarwa a harshen Hausa kwankwance yanayins da sigoginsa in journal of languages, arts and social sciences7 33-340


Membership of professional bodies

  1. Teachers registration council (TRCN)
  2. National association for the advancement of knowledge (NAFFAK)
  3. Association for the promotion of academic excellence in tertiary institution in Nigeria
  4. Primary and tertiary education of Nigeria (PATTEAN)
  5. National association for research development (NARD)